Ice Observation Forms

Bridge-based sea-ice observations of the Antarctic pack ice are carried out as visual observations covering the sea-ice (or open water) cover within 1nm of the vessel. If not using the digital ASPeCt data acquisition software, it is necessary to download the following blank proformas:

Ice and Meteorological Observation Log Sheets [PDF]

Comments Log Sheet [PDF]

Ice Observation Codes [PDF]

Meteorological Observation Codes [PDF]

The completed forms should be kept as a hardcopy record of your observations. The data should also be entered into the compatible spreadsheet format and forwarded to the central data archive for Antarctic sea-ice thickness data at the Australian Antarctic Data Centre in Kingston, Australia.

Scientific contact:

Dr. Petra Heil
Australian Antarctic Division and Antarctic Climate & Ecosystems CRC
Private Bag 80
Hobart, Tasmania, 7001

This page was last modified on May 1, 2015.